Congratulations!!! You just entered the Best and Only Performance Blogging System with Taking Action in the fastest way we know possible.
Getting your Blogging Site up, maybe “Scary and New.” I will be here to give you the support you need to be successful
PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE PASSWORD, and if you do, you need to notify us immediately. We have backups in place as well as Search Engine tools to help you with gaining “Organic Internet Traffic”.
Welcome to the wide and profitable world of being an Online Blogger.
Please go through the training, and be sure to lean on your Instructor. We are truly here to assist you. There are a lot of different things that have to happen for this to work. I know this, and fortunately, I have made sure to have as much of it done for you. I have automated everything we can automate, and will continue to add to the services we can do to help you to be even better. There are a lot of things that we are doing, and frankly not necessary for you to understand. The money is in the Offers, promotion and in having the content– that is what you’ll be doing.
We are here to be successful; it is as straightforward or as hard as you make it. We, Instructors, work together to find a way to make it easier for you to learn, but it is on you. You have to be willing to do the work. It is an excellent learning process that you will be glad you did. It will provide you the Multiple Stream Income and Residual Income you never had before. You will have the Financial Freedom you always wanted
Training to help you following Rory’s RRR Training System
Performance Blogging System Guide
First steps and assignments in setting up your Performance Blogging System
Necessary when you see this sentence on your Dashboard, it means you can not download any plugins in your system.
“Sorry, but you do not have the correct permissions to install the TSW Custom Profile Plugin plugin. Contact the administrator of this site for help on getting the plugin installed.”
Please watch the video here on this pageFINES WINESThis is the video on the biggest offer we have. Our Fines Wines is our #one anchor offer. You need to get into this as soon as possible and allow me to start building your business with you and get you to a point where I can build with my team one side of your business.
All you need is 2 Brand Partners to join and your in the positive and qualifies to receive the binary pay so the sooner you get in the sooner I start building your business with you. This is a win-win situation and I want you to understand I get what I want by helping you get what you want. So I have a vested interest in making this happen with the rest of the amazing offers. This is a major step to your success and a must-have in your performance bogging system. Please message me and let’s talk about getting you into your training pages where to begin and what your direction needs to be!!!
Please start with your Performance Blogging System training page here:
If you have not make sure you enroll to receive emails directly from Rory Ricord and stay informed all the time of calls and events that you need to know about.
Next, it says to enroll in order there is a list of affiliates on your training page that you need to enroll in I would like you to do the first 3 and then message me so I can provide you the links that you need for the rest of the system. So Clickbank, C.J. Affiliates, Brunette Marketing, and RoboForm these
Google Doc on how to sign up for affiliates, you are going to be an affiliate or a publisher account and the answers to the questions are on the Doc below to assist you in some of the answers
That will assist you in opening those affiliate accounts When you have completed that please contact me and allow me to provide you the links needed to finish your sign up process. I am glad you are working with me and look forward to a long successful relationship, Just be patient with me and patient with yourself and the process and this has as much potential as you desire Please contact me when this is complete
Performance Blogging System Guide
Second list above
Step After we have talked gone over what you have done so far’
Now you are going to sign up for Xceltrip, they are an amazing opportunity to show people a different solution in travel websites. They are changing the way we do travel again and you are part of that with Xceltrip. Please look around the website and see what they do and what your amazing potential is through this program! Sign up as IMP. GO HERE TO SIGN UP FOR XCELTRIP
Next, you’re going to sign up for computta as you can see that Xceltrip operates on digital currency tokens and now you can mine digital currency using this free app. Plus earn from the people you refer so that is the basic idea behind computta. Just look around the blog and videos and see how this can truly have an effect on your life and the lives of the people around you GO HERE TO SIGN UP YOUR COMPUTTA ACCOUNT Now you want to join coinbase and that is a digital currency platform that is used to buy sell and trade digital currency like bitcoin. Now take advantage of this opportunity and be ahead of the trend!!! GO HERE TO SIGN UP YOUR COINBASE ACCOUNT
Now it’s time to get started with Direct Cellars and that is the video that I first introduced you to and that is going to be your number one opportunity as there are so many great ways to build that offer and I start building for you as well. As I enroll under you your binary pay grows with the people I and others add as we are a team. So this absolutely the best offer I have had the opportunity to ever work with.
Third list above
Now it is time to start adding the product and tracking links to your system and start editing the content. Be Patient and thorough!!!
Adding Links to your Performance blogging system, And editing and adding content. This is all really one big step that never ends. Now that you’re all set with your affiliates and offers. You can get what is called your link. That is your specific link to each store and product line. Any link that you add to an offer will be labeled as your referral specific to only you and that is how your conversions are tracked for your earnings.
The first step is to find each offer that you want to promote. Now, remember that Rory Has Designed the perfect system. We just add our personality to it. He recommends offers that he promotes but everyone is different and there are thousands of stores and offers from everything on how to grow grapes to how to build a website. So as your looking for the example offers that your editing look and see all the other great offers there are to add many topics and offers
All the information about how to Edit your content and make it your own. This is an important step and the design of the teaching is to get you to learn what it takes to get a good SEO rating. So the progression will get gradually more in-depth and teach you to step each recommendation of Yoast. So Follow the process and as your learning keep notes of programs and services you find that you would like to add.
Steps to editing your pages
Go to the page you want to edit. Remember the easiest way to find your offer pages is to go to each category page you find the category page by clicking on the main menu and not the drop-down menu. The category page is like the table of contents for every offer. You need to go through each category and edit each page. So go on each title and go to each offer.(You will see them on the bottom of the page)
After you have signed in to your WordPress dashboard and you go to a page you want to edit at the very top you will see the edit page. You want to click that, this will change the entire look of the page.
You edit content just like any other word processing Program. The icons are the same and all the font sizes work the same. So that is easy to learn. To edit your links you want to refer to each video that I have for each affiliate company. These are not to replace the video training from Rory just to help find your links and add them to each affiliate company.
Go to the bottom of the page to see the Affiliates and Links
As you edit your links in each article read it through and learn the information and go to the link that is there and views the actual offer. This will assist in your edit process and allow you to learn more about how these are created. Really it’s shopping with others’ money. You find what you would like and add it to your system. That is how you add your personality. What we do is take the time you would be telling friends about this great offer you found on Facebook and turn that into cash through affiliate marketing.
So as you edit your links and read you will naturally see that they need editing.
This is not because Rory does not know how to write, it is designed to draw your eye to an area to add your own voice. So Edit and find places you can add what you would say and a little of you. You will find that each step is designed to teach you more. And some of the technology we have you want to learn because it is the future of industry and business.
Use Yoast helps and guidance to edit your offer pages on your blogging system. This tool is great to guide you along the path of SEO and Readability. This is best learned through the helpful tools that are on the Yoast Section. These tools and help will show you where in your article needs work with a purple highlight, At the end of each recommendation there is a little eye icon just click that and it will highlight the areas needing work. Then if you use Yoast help it will tell you what they expect and how to write to best be received online
Performance Blogging System Guide