The Internet of Things IoT!! You are going to Love how to connect all your devices, animals, objects, digital and mechanical machines. You are going to have the ability to transfer data without requiring human to computer o Human to Human interaction!!! I know you have a lot of IoT questions? I am going to explain to you in a very simple way how, when, who, what and more!
The IoT can be used to launch a new business line within your existing organization, to build a new organization, or to simply improve your internal processes and operations. It is a new Thing that we All most learn how to use!!
Guess what you do not need the Internet or NO monthly payments. YOU WILL Connect Devices, Earn Tokens and
Own the Network
Join a network that belongs to the people. Not the telcos.
The Internet of Things IoT
READY!! I am so excited about our New to talk to the Network that it is going to also give you the opportunity to get pay by just doing videos, watching programs or listening to music and ore new things will come. Also, you will have the chance to connect all around the world for Free!! No monthly charges WOOOO!! Yes Really!!
Let me give you some history. Kevin Ashton Invented the IoT in 1999. This idea is been predicted since 1926. IoT is starting 15 years ago. Today 1/1/2020 is 21 years working on start introducing the Internet of Things to all of us!!
What is the definition of IoT in simple words? It is just a network of interconnected things or devices that you have connected with sensors, software and necessary electronics that are going to make possible the collection and exchange data making them responsive. Itis going to be a back and forward of gathering information.
Amazing Benefits
The IoT is going to be used around the world you do not need to have an internet connection, money, bank account or a bank. It is going to help people or countries that do not have access to those luxuries that some of us take for granted!!
Also, you are going to learn how to create an income!! Life is changing constantly and we have to keep up. We have to secure our retirement. Do you want to work forever? Do you want to go to visit your family without worry to have to go to work? It is a lot of many reasons the WHY we have to keep up with technology. That it is why I recommend you to Go HERE PBS and learn more of the advantage you have by working from Home that it is going to offer you the education, support, online marketing, social media, and much more.
Re-Set Re-Focus Re-Commit
An array of sensors has characteristics unsuitable for direct connection to an IP-type Internet connection. This is going to help you with the security hacking of Internet devices.
The Internet of Things
What 3 Groups of devices are going to be use?
A. Consumer
Examples Toys, smart TVs, smart appliances, smart speakers, and Clothes.
B. Enterprise
Example smart or tiny computers to helping to add to the product scanning labels. This is going to increasing overall business efficiency and reducing labor.
C. Industrial
Examples of objects that can fall into the scope of the Internet of Things include connected security systems, cars, electronic appliances, thermostats, lights in household and commercial environments, alarm clocks, electronic appliances, vending machines, speaker systems, and more.